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Regionen/Länder: current only
Liste der Stationen für "-" aufsteigend sortiert nach Closest
(Closest = Shortest distance to a strike position in whose calculation the station was involved)
StationStadtKommentareLandRegionenStatusLetztes SignalTotalValidInvolvedUsedClosestFarthest
3129testsitJapanAsia 1Offline2024-11-08 08:40000024000 km0 km
3129testsitJapanJapan 1Offline2024-11-08 08:40000024000 km0 km
3129testsitJapanJapan 2Offline2024-11-08 08:40000024000 km0 km
3130testsitJapanOceania 1Offline2024-10-28 06:11000024000 km0 km
3130testsitJapanAsia 1Offline2024-10-28 06:11000024000 km0 km
3130testsitJapanJapan 1Offline2024-10-28 06:11000024000 km0 km
3130testsitJapanJapan 2Offline2024-10-28 06:11000024000 km0 km
3131Europe 1Offline2024-12-02 17:52000024000 km0 km
3131Europe 2Offline2024-12-02 17:52000024000 km0 km
3131Europe 3Offline2024-12-02 17:52000024000 km0 km
3132Europe 1Offline2024-12-02 21:27000024000 km0 km
3132Europe 2Offline2024-12-02 21:27000024000 km0 km
3132Europe 3Offline2024-12-02 21:27000024000 km0 km
3133Europe 1Offline2024-11-14 06:03000024000 km0 km
3133Europe 2Offline2024-11-14 06:03000024000 km0 km
3133Europe 3Offline2024-11-14 06:03000024000 km0 km
3134Europe 1Offline2024-11-14 06:20000024000 km0 km
3134Europe 2Offline2024-11-14 06:20000024000 km0 km
3134Europe 3Offline2024-11-14 06:20000024000 km0 km
3135Europe 1Offline2024-11-14 09:01000024000 km0 km
3135Europe 2Offline2024-11-14 09:01000024000 km0 km
3135Europe 3Offline2024-11-14 09:01000024000 km0 km
3136Europe 1Offline2024-11-14 12:57000024000 km0 km
3136Europe 2Offline2024-11-14 12:57000024000 km0 km
3136Europe 3Offline2024-11-14 12:57000024000 km0 km
3137Europe 1Offline2024-11-14 13:28000024000 km0 km
3137Europe 2Offline2024-11-14 13:28000024000 km0 km
3137Europe 3Offline2024-11-14 13:28000024000 km0 km
3138Europe 1Offline2024-11-14 13:36000024000 km0 km
3138Europe 2Offline2024-11-14 13:36000024000 km0 km
3138Europe 3Offline2024-11-14 13:36000024000 km0 km
3139Europe 1Offline2024-11-28 16:56000024000 km0 km
3139Europe 2Offline2024-11-28 16:56000024000 km0 km
3139Europe 3Offline2024-11-28 16:56000024000 km0 km
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