Network for Lightning and Thunderstorms in Real Time - Real time lightning map
Regions/Countries: current only
List of Stations for "-" sorted ascending by Farthest
(Farthest = Farthest distance to a strike position in whose calculation the station was involved)
StationCityCommentCountryRegionsStatusLast signalTotalValidInvolvedUsedClosestFarthest
2845Abetifi E/RBlue • 2×200 ferrite • ev...GhanaEurope 2Running2025-01-23 11:56138047286400131128 km2439 km
2845Abetifi E/RBlue • 2×200 ferrite • ev...GhanaEurope 1Running2025-01-23 11:56137087234814551114 km2574 km
2845Abetifi E/RBlue • 2×200 ferrite • ev...GhanaAfrica 1Running2025-01-23 11:56136457200622376 km4864 km
2845Abetifi E/RBlue • 2×200 ferrite • ev...GhanaEurope 3Running2025-01-23 11:56136487199392131131 km5600 km
2845Abetifi E/RBlue • 2×200 ferrite • ev...GhanaSouth America 1Running2025-01-23 11:56138037286812972 km10725 km
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